Many of you may have heard the notion, your Thoughts become your Reality. If you are familiar with The Secret or the Law of Attraction you have heard this and probably ‘get it’.
But this idea is still believed by many to be ‘woo-woo’ or out there. Yes, this idea originated in the metaphysical realm, but now, science is backing it up.
How can you move from ‘getting it’ to completely embodying this concept and allowing it to change your life?
Louise Hay, author of ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, recognized the phenomena, that thoughts dictate are reality, decades ago through simple observation. Now science supports it. Through cognitive behavioral therapy affirmations (positive affirmations), we can rewire our brain. Let me say that again, simply by using affirmations, we change the way our brain is wired. When using a brain scan, we see that the brain lights up differently. Pretty cool!! There are biochemical, bio-neurological, and bio-pharmacal effects that take place when we use affirmations that are just as effective, if not more so, than Prozac, Zoloft, etc. I am not going into the science or research in today’s blog, but it has to do with neuroplasticity. There are bountiful resources on the subject, and on a later blog, I will very well tackle and simplify the science behind it.
To begin changing the wiring of your brains and your life, start by changing ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can.’ Very simple. Very straightforward. However, in order to create lasting, long-term change, it takes a LOT of PATIENCE and DETERMINATION. We are all on a journey. All at different parts, set-backs, achievements, etc. We all have our stories and baggage. By bringing awareness to our thought patterns, we take the first step on the journey to healing. If you change your thinking, you can change your life. For Real!! You can begin this journey of shifting your thought patterns wherever you are. By letting go of the limiting beliefs that we hold onto, sometimes very dearly and tight, we COMPLETELY SHIFT OUR REALITY.
Many of us may be holding onto a long-drawn out story that has its roots in ‘I am not enough.’ It is time to CHANGE that story and shift your belief to ‘I AM ENOUGH.’ Stop beating yourself up, stop making yourself wrong, and start treating yourself with a certain amount of respect.
Your words are reflective of how you feel. How you feel is reflective of the vibration you are offering. In the Law of Attraction, the vibration you are offering is equal to the point of your attraction. Thus, paying attention to what you say, audibly and in your head, is a very IMPORTANT scale to use to see what you are really attracting in. You may have a goal of doubling your income, but you are living in a state of mind of deprivation. You worry about paying the bills, rent, groceries, organic/non-organic, blah-blah-blah. Yet you rarely (if ever) think and brood over how you would actually feel if you did in fact double your income and live in financial freedom and abundance. In order to actually attract in that doubled income, you must already believe that you have it. You need to change your thought patterns to ones of abundance and security. This will allow you to really FEEL that vibration and when you live your day-to-day life at that vibration, you will attract in that doubled income.
Many of us are going about life fairly unconsciously, in this comfortably numb place. We walk around as though life is happening to us; we are victims of life. Simply by changing the way we think, an experience that seems miserable, can become one that you can do anything you want with. When we bump up against something that feels uncomfortable or hard, it can serve as a wonderful opportunity. We are given a choice in how to respond. For instance, you’re stuck in traffic, the kids are out of control, or someone let you down. We can choose to feel run-down, angry, agitated, pissed off, or we can CHOOSE a different response. Allow yourself to feel the discomfort of the situation. Give yourself the option to reach for better thoughts in this situation.When faced with an external obstacle in life, switch your belief around and see this external challenge as your own internal resistance to change. It may be difficult, challenging, and even daunting, but over-time with compassion and patience for yourself, you will begin to be able to turn these miserable situations around.
It’s all about PRACTICE. To start, try out these two very simple and easy to implement practices:
- Every morning and night when brushing your teeth, look into the mirror and say your affirmations. There is something very powerful about looking into your eyes and saying positive affirmations. You see yourself accepting yourself.
- To fast track your process, start to look for things to appreciate with every step you take and glance you make. See the love in a child’s face or find something to love in a flower. When you do this, you are in that moment in vibrational discord with yourself. Meaning, in that moment, your thoughts of love and appreciation take the forefront and overpower any lower vibrational thoughts. For example, any thoughts you may have revolving around about low self-worth are stopped as we begin to bring into awareness all of the things around us to appreciate. Create reminders in your phone, piece of decor, number, or certain color, to bring you back continuously throughout your day to this practice. HIGHLY effective when you are struggling with letting go of a stubborn habit.
I ADORE Louise Hay’s idea of Enlightened – letting go of all of the things that we believe are not benefiting us or are barriers in our life. Release them one by one and think, I don’t have to believe that anymore. Or do I want to believe that anymore? And make a conscious choice.
I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on today’s blog. What is your experience of positive affirmations and working with old/stuck thought patterns?