Welcome to Season 3 of the Radical Embodiment podcast!
In today’s episode, I share what embodiment means. When I have a guest on the podcast, the first question I ask them is what embodiment means to them. I went through & listened to all of my interviews thus far and summarized the definitions shared to bring into one episode. I also share what embodiment means to me and what it means to be radically embodied.
Radical – a person who holds or follows strong convictions
Embodiment – having the ability to utilize your physical body to anchor into the present moment; the integration of your physical and energetic bodies.
What is radical embodiment to me?
- Making the radical choice to no longer accept the societal conditioning of placing your the majority of your focus and power on the external world.
- Instead, you intentionally choose each & every day to BE in your body.
- This is radical because in our typical life, we aren’t ever invited into our body. Instead we are being sold to by marketing and advertising, we are getting lost in the social media scroll of comparison and lack.
- Living a Radically Embodied life means CHOOSING YOU. Prioritizing some sort of daily consistent embodiment practice that helps you drop underneath the surface into what is truly present for, connecting to how you actually feel and what you truly need.
- My mission with Radical Embodiment is to help shift the narrative that a woman’s worth is tied into her weight and physical appearance.
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We are not meant to do this journey alone. Join Emily’s FREE Radical Embodiment Community where she is continuously offering exclusive events to support her community members in being able to be more in their body & live a more fulfilled, body-love life.
You can purchase Emily’s book, Radical Embodiment: A Practical Guide to Celebrating the Skin You’re In here.
To learn more about Emily’s work, visit her new website here.