As a Rolfer, or Structural Integrator, I work with the fascia, the soft tissue skeleton of the body. The ultimate goal of the work is to help your body come back to its natural alignment.
Why should you care about fascia & your alignment?
Research now shows that fascia moves before muscle moves. It is the fascia that actually gives muscles their shape, it surrounds all your bones, gives organs the support they need, it is everywhere. Because it is everywhere, it has been largely ignored up until the last 20 years or so.
Your alignment is essential to easeful & efficient movement. If you are working out at an intense capacity, or even if you aren’t super active currently, but sit at a desk all day & your body is ‘out of whack’, eventually this will lead to pain & potential injury. Ever had that day where ‘out of the blue’ your back went out? That minor injury or ‘slip’ isn’t as ‘out of the blue’ as you may initially think & has a lot to do with the fascia becoming dehydrated in certain areas & fluid flow being limited, creating an area of overly fibrous, rigid tissue.
What I do as a Rolfer is to help work out the kinks in the fascia & restore elasticity & movement where it has been lost.
To learn more about fascia & the components that make up the fascia, read my blog Understanding the Spiderweb Within Us aka The Fascia here
Cheers to happy fascia, greater mobility, & feeling good in your body!