I did a quick Facebook Live today to share some suggestions & thoughts in regards to keeping your nervous system settled during this interesting time.
A few things:
1. If you live with chronic pain & are experiencing an increase in the intensity of pain, know that this is a fairly normal response. We all are currently in a more heightened state of stimulus with worry & concern around COVID-19, this reinforces your nervous system to be even more in a danger response, which usually leads to the message of pain. If you are feeling greater levels of pain, reach out to someone for support, talking through it, particularly with a trained professional can be hugely beneficial. Also, allow space for deeper breaths & remind your body that you are safe.
2. While we all navigate this isolation period, keep moving your body throughout your day. Yes, carry on with daily exercise, there are lots of resources out there for bodyweight exercises you can do at home. I also strongly encourage more movement that is fluid & where there is more ease. This could be dancing, more time laying on tennis balls allowing for a excess tension to be released, walking, etc. Movement that feels good to you & your body & is not your normal ‘workout’ movement. Movement that allows your body to release some of the built-up tension from worry & stress in regards to the virus.
3. Open up your feet! If you are an able bodied person, your feet are your main support structurally. Use some of your extra time at home to stand on a tennis ball, sinking in to areas that feel a bit juicy. The more space you can create in your feet, the more space the bones in your feet have to move which will enhance their overall functioning & support to your system, allowing you to feel just a little bit more supported not only physically, but also emotionally & mentally.
If there is anyway I can be of support to you in this time, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are all in this together. Sending love & healing!