This is part 3 of my Teeth Brushing Series. If you haven’t already, go back & watch my blog from the last 2 weeks as today’s suggestion builds on those.
We don’t need more to-dos in our lives. There are SO many amazing things we can do for our bodies & overall well-being that it can be overwhelming. I’m a huge fan of finding practices that resonate with you & integrating them into things you are already doing every day.
What is 1 thing we do every day at least 2 times?
Brush our teeth.
In my Teeth Brushing Series, I am sharing simple practices you can do while you brush your teeth.
This week’s practice:
1. Stand on 1 foot
2. Imagine a plumb line going down the center of your leg, through your lower leg, down through your foot, grounding & rooting you.
3. As you are balancing on 1 foot, can you balance around that line?
4. Notice is more of the muscle tension & control coming from the outside of your foot, are you falling to the inside of the foot, are you more on the ball of your foot?
5.You can also play with this practice with both feet on the ground. Allow the floor to come up & meet your feet. Think of that plumb line going down the center of both legs into your feet & allow yourself to be supported from there.