Today, I am sharing with you a couple easy to implement awareness cues that will help to release excess head, neck, & jaw tension.
We all spend so much time on our phones & computers, which leads to forward head posture & excess tension in the back of your head. Next time you are at a coffee shop, take a look around & notice everyone’s head & neck position, kind of crazy how almost everyone you will see will have their head pulled far forward. With that, when looking at your phone or computer, typically, you are using what is called cortical vision, super focused vision that engages the suboccipital muscles (located at the back of the base of the head), with time, this will also create excess strain & tension.
You have probably been told, ‘pull your head back.’ That command in itself is usually met with more tension being created by an efforted forcing back of the head into an ‘aligned’ position. The tips I am share help you to allow the head to shift back into more natural alignment but do some from the inside & with ease.
The 2 cues to play with are:
1. ‘Allow sound into your ears’
2. ‘Pretend you have eyes in the back of your head’
Watch the video for a more in depth explanation & exploration.
Comment below with any questions or to share what you noticed in your own body.