Watch the March 2020 edition of my Interview Series with Women Leaders featuring Ali Kole.
Ali is a semi-retired Beauty CEO who now is a Women’s Sensuality & Embodiment Teacher here in Boulder, Colorado.
‘We don’t need to go right to our phone, we have a playground of entertainment right here’ ~ Ali (in regards to our body).
One of Ali’s biggest aha moments that led towards her shift out of the CEO role & into the teacher & student role came from a teacher who said she was going to teach them about Ageless Radiance. Ali knew women who were much older than her who had this vibrant, juicy, & wild aliveness that you could sense. She could feel their heart & their magic. At that time, it became more important to her to become more sensual & magnetic than to notch a few more ticks on her resume or in her bank account.
Sensual dance is a journey that will alter your perception of yourself. One of the biggest parts is teasing apart the distinction between sexuality & sensuality. Ali’s class is about teaching sensuality. In her classes, you take your attention to your breath, to your skin, simply by slowly touching your hand with your fingertips, your hand will feel so much more alive.
Self-care & sensuality can be just as simple as that. You can reclaim & appreciate your own beauty & reconnect with your softness in 30 seconds. Doing this on a consistent basis, will help to drop cortisol levels & increase serotonin, allowing you to be more available, less stressed, & more present.
This 30-seconds or longer self sensual check-in time will enable you to be more adaptable & resilient. If you’re going to be successful at anything, whether you are going to teach a dance class or run a company, you are going to need a certain amount of analytic brain power to be successful. But then, how do you switch gears to allow space for more of your juiciness & aliveness? Being able to navigate between these worlds is essential to us feeling fulfilled & successful as women.
We need safety, permission, & a strong sisterhood of support to try things which may feel unfamiliar & scary. This foundation & continuous exploration increases our adaptability & resiliency, giving us access to create & be so much more in the world.
One of the ways Ali stays in integrity is through movement. Taking at least 1-minute each day to remember that she has a body, whether that be dancing crazy to a song, taking a bit longer in the shower, or an intense workout. Carving out the space, even if just for that minute, to actually connect with her body each & every day.
To learn more about Ali’s Boulder dance classes, coaching, or upcoming workshops, visit, http://www.sensuallyembodied.com