In this week’s Body Love Blog, I share how to massage your own neck using a face roller.
If you are local to the Boulder area & don’t have a face roller, check out Bliss Boulder downtown where I purchased my rose quartz roller from. And, if you aren’t local, but are interested in purchasing a face roller to massage your neck, I suggest contacting your local shops first to see if they might sell it before ordering online.
The face roller is a great tool to help you release muscles & excess tension all-around your neck & jaw. You can work the tension out underneath the base of your skull. You can gently massage out the front of your neck, which tends to be a major contributor to the forward head position. You can even use it to massage out your pecs, which will help your shoulders sit back more comfortably.
And, when your neck is feeling relaxed & happy, you can use the face roller for its intended use, to massage out your face 🙂