What do you do or not do to connect with yourself? What do you do to connect with how you feel in any given moment?It is ESSENTIAL for your overall well-being that you have a practice that in the moment, you can use to help access your own center. It’s easy to live most of your day based on what is happening to you externally: emails, who’s responding to us on social media, to-do lists, the news, what someone said/did to you. When you live your day in this way, you are in a constant state of stress & probably feel pretty darn exhausted by the end of the day, like you’ve been pulled in all directions. So, how do you help settle your nervous system & navigate through your day feeling centered & calm versus being in a constant state of reaction.In today’s blog, I share with you how I find my own center & connect there = the Front of My Spine. Watch the video for a short practice where I walk you through how to connect with this space.
In my own experience of learning to connect with the front of my spine, I have found it allows me to show up more vulnerably & authentically as I am connected to center & my own inherent strength within. Share below your experience of the practice or any questions that come up.