Typically, when we breath, we only breath through the front of our body. Through most of our day & our life, we don’t access the full dimension of our breath, meaning we don’t access our breath potential through our sides & our back.
In this week’s Body Love Blog, I share about role your rib cage plays in breath & how ideally, it should move similarly to an accordion as you breath. As you breath, can you feel your breath in your sides & in your back?
The more you are able to access the fullness of your breath, the more your rib cage will be able to better support your shoulders, which will then be able to better support your neck & head. A beautiful ripple effect!
Watch the blog for more details & to play with your own breath awareness.
When we can have more full access of our breath, it will help to alleviate restrictions & excess tension in the body, it will help create more support in your body, & it will help to free up more space for new possibilities.
Try out the practice in the video & comment below with what you notice in your own body.