Watch the April 2020 edition of my Interview Series with Women Leaders featuring Kerry Borcherding.
Kerry has been an entrepreneur for the past 11 years and is now helping to develop Pristine Creations which is a company that empowers the evolution of leaders and organizations.
In organizations, the typical leadership model often fits under a system of blaming, pointing the finger, & goal setting. Kerry’s specialty is bringing emotional connection into the leadership & business paradigm. She supports leaders in stepping into their own power & connecting with themselves & their team in a deep way.
We are currently experiencing a global pandemic, where we have the choice to either evolve or become extinct. If we don’t start waking up & evolving in a lot of ways, we are going to become extinct as a planet. Even in this very short time of everyone being at home we are seeing the immense impact we have on the planet & how in a very short time we are seeing pollution dissolving. When we start coming together & collaborating, working from a heart centered place, things have the ability to shift quite quickly.
Right now, everything is riled up & amplified. It’s like putting a magnifying glass on your life & amplifying all the things that are not working in your life as well as amplifying the things you want more of. This can be a really great thing, but can also be really scary. It can create a lot of lack & scarcity mindset.
Many of the questions that are currently circulating around social media & the news are really activating & fear based.
‘How are you going to survive?’
‘How is your business going to survive?’
This survival paradigm of creating fear, pops us out of our body & into our head space, where our thoughts cycle in worry around what is going to happen in the future. Our minds make up all of these stories about what’s going to happen, but they aren’t even true. We have no idea what’s going to happen.
In the interview, Kerry shares a powerful practice that helps you to come back into yourself, your body, & shift out of that fear, scarcity, & survival place.
As we are in this crisis, if you can remember to come back into your body, at least as much as possible, it will help you to feel more resourced as we navigate in this scary, unknown place.
Kerry shares some great question alternatives to journal & meditate on. As you ask yourself the questions, notice, what happens in your own body & emotional state.
– What is 1 thing that you want to continue doing in your life right now that brings you joy?
– What is something that you want to stop doing that you’ve been doing out of habit?
– What is something that you want to start doing, something new, maybe something that before you didn’t have time to do?
– Is there something you want to learn that would feel good & exciting?
– What nourishes you emotionally & spiritually?
When you can shift the activating & fear centered questions into ones that are more similar to the above, it will help to down regulate your nervous system, enabling you to be calmer, more resourced, & clear.
To interrupt a habit is to make it visible. Now that our lives have been interrupted, the opportunity is there to see the habits & ask the question ‘is that really true?’
To learn more about Kerry’s work visit: www.pristinecreations.co
She is also launching a podcast with her business partner called the Evolutionary Leadership Radio. In the podcast, they will be interviewing evolutionary leaders who are really wanting to shift the business paradigm & how they are implementing those practices into their business.
Kerry also hosts an event with Pristine Creations called, Create X, where you get to use the whole group to get support & reflection back from a problem or question you have in business.