How do you get to express your femininity while still being taken seriously as a powerful & dynamic leader? And, how do you get to do this all the while feeling good & in the flow?
Let’s start with what it means to be a leader. Who is a leader?
Ask anyone what it means to be a leader, and you’ll likely hear something unique every time. That’s because everyone has his or her own idea of what leadership is. To me, being a leader has nothing to do with what your job title or position in life is.
Leadership is not positional.
Instead, it has everything to do with how you show up in your life on a daily basis and the impact you have on those around you. Leadership, doesn’t have to be owning a business or having a specific title in your line of work. It can be serving your community, your family, and so much more.
As a woman, biologically, you are wired differently than a man. The ways that work for a man to lead a company or community, ways that might work quite successfully for him, may leave a woman who tries to lead in a similar fashion feeling tired and exhausted by the end of the day. When a woman connects with her body, it allows her to be a more powerful and confident leader and do so, with much greater ease.
As a woman, you push. You push out babies. You push out ideas. I invite you to choose to not constrict, but instead to expand and push your boundaries. However, if all you ever do is push, you will run yourself rigid and tired. The more you connect with your body and your feelings, the easier it will be for you to discern and be aware of when to push and when to pause.
With all the responsibilities and pressures of daily life, it can be easy to be swept up into your head space and lose touch with your body, which is exactly where your power and clarity lies. In order to command the respect you desire and equal pay, I imagine it can also be all too easy for you to adopt a more masculine or neutral role. This leads to struggle that may make you wonder why you feel like you aren’t being fully noticed, appreciated, or like you are constantly pushing, striving, and over efforting.
When you feel confident, at ease, and energized in your body, your message can be HEARD and your impact can be felt. Leading others feels easier. There is less PUSH and effort as you are not ‘pretending’ to be a certain way or needing to be ‘on.’
An inspiring feminine leader invites others in through her presence. She doesn’t have to project out something that is incongruent with how she feels on the inside or be forceful in her conviction that others should follow her.
You can lead in your own unique, powerful, & captivating feminine way.
So, how do you:
gain the ability to unapologetically express?
use your intuition to guide you & inspire others to come along for the ride?
stop pushing & begin allowing?
In my upcoming 3 part workshop series, The 3 Pillars of Feminine Leadership, you will learn just that and more.
You are more than welcome to join all three, for one, two, whatever works for you. 🙂
The 3 Pillars of Feminine Leadership
Pillar #1 ~ Presence
Some women walk into a room and are noticed by many. Others walk into the room and feel invisible. One has presence, one doesn’t. Your physical presence is the #1 thing that attracts people to you and makes them listen to you.
You will learn:
how to influence others more effectively through your magnetic body presence.
specific body centered practices that anchor you to the present moment.
how to connect with your body & uncover your unwavering confidence to release the ‘I am not enough’ voice.
when: Wednesday, 1/8/2020 at 6:00pm
Pillar # 2 ~ Authentic Posture
You’ve probably been taught how to have ‘good posture’? This prescribed, rigid way of holding your body takes a huge amount of effort, and often results in pain and strain. In my own experience of this posture, it was my way of pretending to the world something that was out of alignment and integrity with how I felt internally.
You will learn:
your own postural patterns.
specific anatomy about your pelvis.
how to sit in natural alignment.
to experience your own authentic posture.
when: Wednesday, 1/22/2020 at 6:00pm
Facebook Authentic Posture Event Link
Pillar # 3 ~ Feel Your Fire
All too many women have been taught through the years to suppress their anger. Then, when they go to access their anger, it often comes out in inappropriate and reactionary ways. Your anger is your fire. The more you open yourself up to accessing it, the more you increase your life force.
You will learn:
how to connect, process, and healthily express your anger.
how to cultivate this fire, feeling it fully, to ignite you into powerful action steps.
specific practices that you can take home with you to work through previous life stressors & any future stressful events.
when: Wednesday, 2/5/2020 at 6:00pm
Facebook Feel Your Fire Event Link
where: Mandala Integrative Clinic
Community Room
825 S. Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305
cost: $40/workshop or $90 for all 3
$45 at the door.
Pay for all 3 workshops:
Pay for 1 workshop:
Being a leader means showing up in the full expression of YOU. The beautiful bonus of showing up fully in your life is that you inspire others to do the same. Your authenticity is a form of service, it is a form of leadership. Developing a deeper practice of connecting with your presence, authentic posture, & feeling your fire will enable to you more consistently express and share your truth.
For more information, contact Emily at or 720.236.4847